
Dolphins Plus Blog

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The Role of Behavior in Marine Mammal Conservation

July 01, 2024 / dolphins,

Human activities have significantly affected all marine mammal species.  From pollution such as  marine debris, chemical and noise pollution, to over fishing and ocean acidification our actions have dramatically altered their landscape.  

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Introducing Students to the Wonders of Marine Biology

March 01, 2024 / dolphins,

Hands-on learning increases a student’s engagement with the topic and retention of the subject matter while also encouraging problem-solving skills and critical thinking. Getting students out of the classroom and into new environments that showcase the..

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Fascinating Facts About the Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin

September 20, 2022 / dolphins,

Few marine animals are as adored as the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin. Humans love their playful spirit and friendly demeanor — but beyond this, most people know little about these remarkable dolphins.

To help you understand why Atlantic bottlenose..

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Guidelines for Interacting with Dolphins in the Wild: The Dos and Don'ts

August 31, 2022 / dolphins,

Recreational interaction with marine mammals is not supported by theMarine Mammal Protection Act(MMPA) in the U.S. However, the MMPA does assign permits (Level A and Level B) to scientists and researchers to studydolphins in the wild.

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Amazing Dolphin Moms Have Special Whistles For Their Calves

May 16, 2019 / research,

Moms are always keeping a watchful eye on their kids. No matter the species, moms have different ways of calling their kids depending on the seriousness of the situation. We’ve all heard our moms call us by our full name when we’re in trouble! It turns..

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